MCR Newcastle & Durham Region May meet

Afternoon folks, A reminder that it’s club night at the Dun Cow, Bournmoor, tomorrow, Monday the 2nd May, and despite it being a bank holiday.  Look forward to seeing everyone and hearing about the BH weekend’s happenings at the Mk1 Performance Action Day at Blyton and the Berwick Classic Rally. Ss. Niall.

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Croft Nostalgia/HSCC race meet 3/4 Sept

Morning folks, Further to my previous message, the link below will take you to the booking form for the Croft event. Only cars built before 1975 qualify i’m afraid but a later car may be accepted if it has a significant history.—classi-bsw74.pdf When applying, please put MCR on the form and also drop me… Continue reading Croft Nostalgia/HSCC race meet 3/4 Sept

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Croft Nostalgia/HSCC race meet 3/4 Sept

Morning folks, Further to my previous message, the link below will take you to the booking form for the Croft event. Only cars built before 1975 qualify i’m afraid but a later car may be accepted if it has a significant history.—classi-bsw74.pdf When applying, please put MCR on the form and also drop me… Continue reading Croft Nostalgia/HSCC race meet 3/4 Sept

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N & D Region events calendar

Evening all,   Events calendar   Further to the productive discussions that we had about this at the club night on Monday, I thought it would be good to send you all a list of events that we, as a Region, are looking to either attend or organise this year, as follows (N&D region contact… Continue reading N & D Region events calendar

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MCR Newcastle & Durham March Meet

Evening all, A quick reminder that it’s club night this coming Monday, 7th, at the Dun Cow. Hope to see you there and thanks to everyone that’s supported these meetings since they started back up again 👍. Regards, Niall.

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MCR Newcastle & Durham Region February meet

Evening folks, A quick heads up that it’s club night this coming monday, 7th February, at the usual place (Dun Cow Bournmoor) and time (7.30pm). Hope to see you there. Niall.

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September meet

Hi all, Just a quick message to remind you that the September club night is this Monday, the 6th, at the Dun Cow from 7.30pm onwards. It also looks like an interloper from Sussex Region will be there! Hope you can make it. Cheers, Niall.

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August club night

Hi all, Just a quick heads up that our next club night is this coming Monday (2nd) at the usual time (7.30pm) and traditional place (Dun Cow, Bournmoor). Hope you can make it. Niall. Mob. 07881 302577

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